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Narcissus, in Greek mythology, is the son of the river god Cephissus. He is known for his beauty. He went to the river and saw his face reflected on its surface. He stayed watching the water’s reflection on his face until he fell into the river and died.

This mythology has been taken into psychology, as Sigmund Freud quoted that the desire for self-development stems from “narcissistic” desires, a tendency to self-aggrandizement, and superiority over others.
Narcissism is a grandiose sense of self-importance and entitlement. We are all narcissists at different levels, but not every narcissistic behavior is pathological. It can be measured on the narcissistic spectrum scale. People with a high level on the narcissistic spectrum scale are considered to have a narcissistic personality disorder, or NPD. The diagnostic criteria in the DSM-5 are a preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love. It consists of a belief that he or she is special and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with other special or high-status people or institutions; a need for excessive admiration.

The top narcissistic traits are:

1. Lack of empathy (this is considered a defining characteristic).

2. Entitlement.

3. Grandiosity.

4. Superficiality.

5. The chronic seeking of admiration

6. Aggression.

7. Rage (aka Narcissistic Rage).

8. Identity Disturbance.

These are the top traits that can define a person as an NPD or not. A certain amount of self-centeredness is healthy. Research shows that it can contribute to ambition, confidence, and resilience. When the Narcissistic Spectrum Scale is high, that is considered an NPD and is always associated with the above-mentioned traits. However, an adjusted amount of self-centeredness, self-worth, self-esteem, and pride is not always associated with the mentioned traits, which is called healthy narcissism. The vast majority of entrepreneurs at big tech companies are those who drive the technological era nowadays and are considered to be productive narcissists.
Some research attempts to differentiate and draw a line between two general types of narcissism: adaptive and maladaptive narcissism.

1. Adaptive narcissism:

Adaptive narcissism refers to aspects of narcissism that can be helpful, like high self-confidence and self-reliance, etc., and are more likely to not harm others. These are mainly considered to be productive narcissism and are just a trait in personality, which even though it looks like a disorder, is not a pathological disorder such as Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

2. Maladaptive Narcissism:

is mainly characterized by self-entitlement, aggression, the tendency to take advantage of others, grandiosity, superficiality, and a lack of empathy. These traits are always associated with high-spectrum narcissism, which is always diagnosed as NPD.

Researchers and experts typically work with five types of narcissism:

1. Overt narcissism

Overt narcissism is known by several other names, like grandiose narcissism and agentic narcissism. This type is always what most people consider narcissism to be about, but that’s wrong; this is only a type of narcissism.

2. Covert narcissism

Covert narcissism, also known as vulnerable narcissism or closet narcissism, is the opposite of overt narcissism from many different perspectives. Many people think of narcissism as a loud and overbearing trait, but covert narcissism doesn’t fit this pattern. The traits for all types of narcissism are not fixed but have a quantum, so a little from here and there. This type of narcissism is always associated with the tendency to feel or play the victim while he or she exploits others. Someone with covert narcissism could be more likely to take the criticism more harshly than it was intended. Research also suggests that some categories of covert and overt narcissism are not always static types. In the other sense, someone with covert narcissism might go through a time where he or she shows more signs of overt narcissism, and it depends on the subject and the object.

3. Antagonistic narcissism

Some research states that antagonistic narcissism is a subtype of overt narcissism. The main focus in this aspect of narcissism is competition and confrontation. The antagonistic narcissism features are mostly arrogance, a tendency to take advantage of others, and the ability to disagree with you with prejudice.

4. Communal narcissism

Communal narcissism is another type of overt narcissism, and this aspect of narcissism is the opposite of antagonistic narcissism. Someone with communal narcissism values fairness and is likely to see themselves as altruistic, but some research states that there is a gap between these beliefs and the person’s behavior. The key differences with communal narcissism are social power and self-importance.

5. Malignant narcissism

Malignant narcissism is the most severe form, especially when it combines with overt narcissism, and it can exist at different levels of severity. Someone with malignant narcissism may have common traits with different traits of narcissism, like being admired and elevated above others, but it is characterized by vindictiveness, which is the seeking of revenge and planning for it; sadism, or getting enjoyment from others’ pain; aggression; paranoia; or the worry about potential threats even from those close to him or her. This type of narcissism is dangerous and is always associated with antisocial personality disorder traits.

Narcissism, as we have mentioned, is quantum. So we are all narcissists at some level. When you are self-centered about your goals and personal improvement in a way that does not hurt or take advantage of others, this is considered a normal trait and might fall under productive narcissism. On the contrary, it became a personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder when it showed a high level in the spectrum of narcissism, which is always associated with manipulation and destroying others.

What we have mentioned are the types and traits and an introduction only to narcissism, but it hides a lot of mystery, as there are rarely, or in fact, to be statistically correct, just a really small percentage of people who want to change their lives, admit they have this disorder, and head to the psychologist. This could be adjunctive therapy, in which both the psychologist or therapist and the psychiatrist determine the treatment plan for the person because narcissism is always associated with many psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, delusions, etc.

The effect the narcissist left on you if you were one of his prey or victims is disastrous, and you mostly need rehabilitation, a psychologist, or any expert to explain and help you cope with the narcissistic abuse.
Narcissists are well known for destroying lives because they need something called a “Narcissistic Supply." 

The narcissistic supply is what the narcissists live on; they are addicted to the supply, whether positive or negative.

I hope this is a good introduction to narcissism and that you have found it easy and helpful. I summarized a lot but mainly focused on defining this phenomenon. I'll write about narcissistic abuse and other topics in the upcoming articles.




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